Play Ball!!!!
When: Saturday, April 27th at 9:15am.
Where: St. Jude’s Parking Lot
Who: 8thGrade Band and Advanced Band
Attire: Blue LMS Band Shirts and Pant’s or Shorts (If it is cold please dress appropriately – Long Sleeves under t-shirts and pants)
Notes: I will be picking up the drums at Lincoln Middle School at 8:30. If anyone would like to help or needs to get their instrument from the closet they should do it at that time. By 9:00 I will be heading to the meeting spot.
After we are done students will drop off all equipment with Mr. Casale. Mr. Casale will be offering a donut and a drink to all students who marched if they are interested.
After the parade there are other events and students will be free to go as they please.